Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What Christmas is All About

 The Legend of the Christmas Spirit

 I wrote this for my Computer class in school, I did a four page webpage on Christmas. Just on Christmas. I have to say, Christmas is my favorite holiday, and not just for the gifts. It's the happiest, jovial, and lightest time of the year!

 What Christmas is All About

For some people, Christmas is something to be sad about. They cannot afford gifts for their loved ones, bills on top bills, and charities asking for money for the less lucky, and children want things they cannot have since they are too expensive, even though parents love them and would, only if they could. Sometimes, loved family member cannot come home, since they are either an angel, at war, or away for other reasons. The song, "The 12 Pains of Christmas", is actually real for some people. Sometimes people become too negative for their own good. In their own way, they turn into Scrooges.

    But Christmas wasn't meant to be this way. It is a time of joy, happiness, and love. With the smell of fresh-baked, warm cookies wafting throughout the air, giving gifts to each other, seeing the small children's faces on Christmas morning makes Christmas worth while. You have to see the meaning of small things during the fun month of December, such as the glowing lights that line the city streets, and Christmas songs that talk about love and giving. Playing games with your brothers and sisters, making them smile, and decorating the Christmas tree are things to be happy about. Trying to keep gifts a secret, until Christmas morning. The joy of repeating Christmas traditions each and every year are amazing.

    I may not believe in Santa anymore, but I still believe in the spirit of him. Santa gives, he gives to anyone and everyone. He doesn't care what you look like, what skin color you have, who you love, or any other differences you have. All he cares about is if you are a good person on the inside. He chose Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, because he had a big heart. He was different from all the other reindeer, but Santa accepted him and taught him to use his differences for good, such as using his red nose for lighting a way for Santa's sleigh. Children behave all year long knowing that 'Santa is watching' because they want to be able to recieve gifts. Santa brings out the good in everyone, especially during the Christmas season.

    Also Christmas is about giving to others out of love. The song, "Christmas Shoes", is a great song about giving. A little boy asks the man behind him for some money to buy some shoes for his mother for Christmas. His mother has been sick and so he wants her to "Look beautiful if Mama meets Jesus tonight". This little boy cares more than some adults do about giving. It wasn't that the shoes were the right size, it was the thought of giving, to make his mother happy for one of the last times. When people give to charities in the winter, no matter how much, they make a difference in someone's life that will be for the better. Even thrifty, homemade gifts are worth something, in someone's heart, since the giver poured their heart out into making it for the receiver. Even though the gift might not be the best quality, it is the thought of giving out of the goodness of your heart, even if you can afford it or not, giving up something of yours is the spirit of Christmas.
If you celebrate Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or some other holiday, you can still feel the Christmas Spirit. Christmas Spirit has nothing to do with religion, it is about how good of a person you are. Giving to people you know, or don't know, no matter what differences they have, if you give a homemade gift or thoughtfully chosen gift, is the message of Christmas. You cannot see love, so it takes someone strong to believe in the Christmas Spirit, because believing without seeing is big. All it takes, is a little holiday magic and believing, and you can relay the true message of Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and have a happy New Year!!!

All Pictures Belong To Their Rightful Owners,
So Long For Now,

P.S. Hopefully I will finally get a horse this year!

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