Wednesday, November 28, 2012


46 Little Paw Prints in My Heart
Hey fellow followers! I thought I would talk a little about my animals on this post, so here we go! I will start with the chickens.
I have 11 chickens in my back yard. Yes, chickens, most people are like, "What?" and I just nod my head and smile (it seems to fix everything). My awesome father and I, built the red coop and fenced in run by hand, with some electric tools, but so far, the design has held up well. It is four feet by five feet, including the four nesting boxes on the right side, with three levels of roosting bars. For those of you who don't know, roosting is when chickens sleep. They sleep on poles, or trees if they were in the wild, but the higher up in the 'tree' you are, the more important you are to the flock. There is actually a pecking order, with the dominant hens on top, who will actually peck the bottom of the 'pecking order' if they get out of line. If one of the members goes missing or dies, they have to reorganize the whole flock. Kind of like a lead stallion or mare in a wild horse herd. (Mikayla, remember our little horse 'pack' and how it works if your having trouble, which I doubt you will!)
 We have three breeds; Rhode Island Reds, Plymouth Barred Rocks, and Cinnamon Queens. Here are the chickens names...
Rosy (she is the largest)
Kneazle (she tends to get broody a lot so we call her 'Brody')
Pippin (is the mama hen)
Hidey (she hid from my brother and I, during a snow storm when we let them out, behind the grill)

Headwig (she likes to perch on my head, and she is the whitest out of all the PBRs)
Kah Ki (she is the sweetest bird you will ever meet, she used to be the smallest chick, and Kah Ki is child in Hawiian)
Paprika (is a bit large, but someday will be a show bird, if I join poultry in 4H)
Maybell (is also one of the sweetest bird ever, she had her back torn open by a dog... long story... and spent a month in the basemen once her wound healed)

Tweety (she is the loudest hen, and has really pretty white and gold feathers)
Marmalaid (she is the darkest CQ we have, and almost looks like a RIR, she likes to escape out of the fence, she is small, so she can almost fly)
Alfredo/ Kniffler (she is the smallest, and at the bottom of the pecking order, but is really nice, she has a gold and white mix of feathers and a white almost necklace around her neck)


  1. Wow!
    That's all I can say!
    oh wait... Double Wow!
    Great Job Caitlin!

    p.s. I like your chickens!

  2. Thanks again Jaylan!! Not to be self centered at all but, I like my chickens too! So Long For Now, Caitlin
