46 Paw Prints in My Heart
During the Fall, I adopted a bunny from a local farm that closes for the winter. They have lots of animals including, goats, sheep, rabbits, chickens, bees, and a few more. The farm also does pick your own fresh strawberries, blueberries, peaches (not as good as the ones I had in Georgia but that is another story for another day!), cherries, veggies, apples, pumpkins, flowers, and make baked goods. I highly recommend going to this farm, but I shall not disclose the address to the world, if you really want to know, email me. Anyways, they had about 20 bunnies, but they started with 4, so most of them needed good homes. When we went to go play in the hay maze I found a baby rabbit and the next day my mother and I went to go bring it home. My father wasn't very happy, but how can you possibly say no to his cute little face??? My friend whose guinea pig, Butterscotch, had died, gave me a cage, because with my guinea pig Rolo, we didn't want them to fight, we didn't even know if they would get along. But they get along hoppingly (ha ha ha) now, so don't worry; Rolo likes to groom the bunny, it is so funny!!! My mother and I got the food, litter box, and hay manger at a pet store, which does not sell animals and such, it is a family business. And so the bunny was all set; except it didn't have a name! I had the following picked out since he is mostly white with some brown and black spots;
Yankee Doodle Dandy
Acorn and a few others.

My brother didn't like any of them, but I convinced him to like Latte. My brother thought Yankee sounded like a Hankee or towel. So now I will be competing with him in 4-H showmanship classes with Rolo too. Latte is a mutt though, so I can't show him in classes other than showmanship. He is the sweetest bunny!! He will sit on your shoulder, or in your hands, and just like nibble lettuce (not Iceburg!!!!!!!). Latte is soooooo cute too, they way his nose moves up and down makes me want to squish his little cheeks, but that is weird and it might hurt him so I won't... But since he lived almost 'wildly' my brother and I had to get him used to human handling (it wasn't hard), because on the farm, they had humans around them, but they were just thrown treats with no handling. Latte is litter trained, it wasn't a hare (ha ha ha) hard, he seems eager to learn, even when playing with homemade fleece toys, so I want to trick train him. Litter training is so much easier than not litter training!! With they type of cage he is in, it was a pain to change the bedding, and clean the double tray under the newspaper and bedding. He is happy and healthy, except for a healing scab on the base of his neck, which was a bite from another rabbit, at the farm. So wish him good luck at his shows!! I will get some updated pictures soon, this is when he first arrived! So Long For Now, Caitlin.

Yankee Doodle Dandy
Acorn and a few others.
My brother didn't like any of them, but I convinced him to like Latte. My brother thought Yankee sounded like a Hankee or towel. So now I will be competing with him in 4-H showmanship classes with Rolo too. Latte is a mutt though, so I can't show him in classes other than showmanship. He is the sweetest bunny!! He will sit on your shoulder, or in your hands, and just like nibble lettuce (not Iceburg!!!!!!!). Latte is soooooo cute too, they way his nose moves up and down makes me want to squish his little cheeks, but that is weird and it might hurt him so I won't... But since he lived almost 'wildly' my brother and I had to get him used to human handling (it wasn't hard), because on the farm, they had humans around them, but they were just thrown treats with no handling. Latte is litter trained, it wasn't a hare (ha ha ha) hard, he seems eager to learn, even when playing with homemade fleece toys, so I want to trick train him. Litter training is so much easier than not litter training!! With they type of cage he is in, it was a pain to change the bedding, and clean the double tray under the newspaper and bedding. He is happy and healthy, except for a healing scab on the base of his neck, which was a bite from another rabbit, at the farm. So wish him good luck at his shows!! I will get some updated pictures soon, this is when he first arrived! So Long For Now, Caitlin.
Golly Caitlin, you sure do post a lot. I linked your blog to mine and then I was like I kinda want to look at you blog so I went in and I opened it and I was like I bet there will be a horse. Then I was like I should really read her posts. I was like oh look how adorable she is she wrote about her bunny. So I was all prepared to read it and then I was like god this is long but I was just looking at the beginning of the post so I went down until I finally found the end of the post and I said to Meghan (btw I am at swimming right now) this is not a post about her bunny this is an essay then I went and looked at you chicken post and I was like de ja voo this literally just happened two minutes ago so I decided to comment on it and I thought it fit that it was kinda long but long story short I love your blog you have super long posts
ReplyDeleteBtw I figured I knew plenty about your chickens and your bunny so I didn't read it but I promise I will read it later
ReplyDeleteAll right, but you know, writing long essays is completely not my fault! It's a genetic mutation! My genes are messed up from all the exposure to horses!! (By the way I posted on your blog, saying how you should be a motivational speaker!)I promise to write shorter posts, but I just have to tell every little detail! I CANT HELP IT!!!AHHHHHHHH! So Long For Now, Caitlin
ReplyDeleteI LIKE THE LONG POSTS! Write from what you feel within! haha anyway I really liked hearing about you bunnies! Who knew it could be such an interesting topic! Keep that creative juicy flowing in you!
p.s. I like your title... it's very dramatic!
p.p.s. you ARE a genetic mutation!
Well I myself am very dramatic... Just kidding, but I do do drama. And way when I do write from my heart and about my life, it gets VERY confusing so I have to use a web. Maybe I should just web out my whole life.. no that would be weird!!!!! So Long For Now, Caitlin