When I get angry, I write, so here it goes. Looking back, I am pretty motivational when I am angry... but most people know not to come near me when I am having a fit since they will most likely get their head busted in; but hey, even then, they will still learn a lesson!
Never give up. Ever. In your whole entire life. Never. Our team is too phenomenal to simply give up. So don't y'all start thinking about it. Giving up your goals, hopes, and dreams as simple as winning does NO ONE any good. It helps absolutely no one. Giving up just makes it harder on everyone.
Just because that Wednesday night, you were off by just a few moves or passes, or a lot, does not mean you give up. You screw up; we all do, you just move on and get better. Make it your day, give yourself no other choice. And don't just say, "I'll be better tomorrow, because there might not be another game. Leave the field knowing that you gave it your all, you did you best; as if it was your last game.
Every single girl on this team is responsible for staying committed to their self and the team as a whole. If you are having a bad day, it doesn't mean your responsibility is less than normal, you are still responsible for your spot you earned on our team. So quit acting like you guys don't care about each other, because you should; if one of us isn't giving our all, then our skills will crumble, making us loose. Each one of us, even coaches, play an integral part in this team, playing off strengths and covering weaknesses. All our talent goes together like a puzzle, because we each are different and bring another strength another girl might lack. Stop giving up, since you are making the other girls carry your responsibility, and try to fill in the gaps you left when you stopped trying. (And it is your fault that teammates get angry, not the players that try, or the coaches, but yours since you quit believing.) Your choices have consequences, that react on behalf of the team, that YOU made; either positively or negativity. If you give up, we all know your patience didn't only run out, but you gave up believing in the team, and you should never stop believing in yourself and the soccer team, no matter who is on it. Your doubt in us ruins more dreams than failure. Making the other girls step up and carry your slack just is not fair, so just keep on playing with your heart. Because, like it or not, we all depend on each other, no matter how talented, since hard work, desire, and determination always beat talent when the ones who have it don't try to work hard.
Never stop trying to be your best. Ever. Why try to be your best when no one is perfect? Because being your best helps the team and inspires them to do better too. So, in a way, we all get better because someone poured their heart into playing. Would you rather try, give it your all, and gain experience, or give up. Giving up might be easier, but who ever said that the shorter path was the best? Trying simply makes you a better player, have no regrets.
There is always time left to change things around. We maybe losing the first half, but that doesn't mean we change it the second half. Anything is possible if you give it your all and really try.
Soccer isn't just a game, it's a way of life. In order to be great, you have to want it and never give up. If you get pushed, push them twice. Never give into them and always strive to be better because all the pain will go away but the commitment will hopefully one day turn from a dream to reality.
Pain is temporary, Pride is forever.
PROGRESSION is not always defined by SUCCESS and WINNING. It depends on how far you have come and how much intense personal effort you poured into games and practices. Personal effort isn't just SAYING you are tired, it is KNOWING you gave it your all. When pain and exhaustion prevent you from playing, when you don't want to come off the field. When you are intensely focused on the ball and thinking about your next move, when you have sized up every opponent and know how to block their strengths from shining. You cannot fake personal effort, well all know if you are hurt or not by how much you left on the field. If you set your heart to it, your effort will be a way of knowing if you are trying your hardest. If you fall, dust off yourself and GET OFF THE GROUND, you won't get a single thing done if you just roll around dragging down people with you. When you leave the field KNOWING you have nothing left and KNOW that you left it all on the field and couldn't try harder, because on the field, soccer is the top priority.

You are committed to the team, including coaches, and the sport. Part of being committed is believing and NEVER GIVING UP on anyone, even you. If you feel you can't simply try, then leave; now.
Oh and P.S., If you are not part of the team, stop messing with it, go away, you have no right to do so, really just stop.
Never Stop Believing, Caitlin
All Rights and Images Belong To Rightful Owners
Never give up. Ever. In your whole entire life. Never. Our team is too phenomenal to simply give up. So don't y'all start thinking about it. Giving up your goals, hopes, and dreams as simple as winning does NO ONE any good. It helps absolutely no one. Giving up just makes it harder on everyone.

Every single girl on this team is responsible for staying committed to their self and the team as a whole. If you are having a bad day, it doesn't mean your responsibility is less than normal, you are still responsible for your spot you earned on our team. So quit acting like you guys don't care about each other, because you should; if one of us isn't giving our all, then our skills will crumble, making us loose. Each one of us, even coaches, play an integral part in this team, playing off strengths and covering weaknesses. All our talent goes together like a puzzle, because we each are different and bring another strength another girl might lack. Stop giving up, since you are making the other girls carry your responsibility, and try to fill in the gaps you left when you stopped trying. (And it is your fault that teammates get angry, not the players that try, or the coaches, but yours since you quit believing.) Your choices have consequences, that react on behalf of the team, that YOU made; either positively or negativity. If you give up, we all know your patience didn't only run out, but you gave up believing in the team, and you should never stop believing in yourself and the soccer team, no matter who is on it. Your doubt in us ruins more dreams than failure. Making the other girls step up and carry your slack just is not fair, so just keep on playing with your heart. Because, like it or not, we all depend on each other, no matter how talented, since hard work, desire, and determination always beat talent when the ones who have it don't try to work hard.

There is always time left to change things around. We maybe losing the first half, but that doesn't mean we change it the second half. Anything is possible if you give it your all and really try.
Soccer isn't just a game, it's a way of life. In order to be great, you have to want it and never give up. If you get pushed, push them twice. Never give into them and always strive to be better because all the pain will go away but the commitment will hopefully one day turn from a dream to reality.
Pain is temporary, Pride is forever.
PROGRESSION is not always defined by SUCCESS and WINNING. It depends on how far you have come and how much intense personal effort you poured into games and practices. Personal effort isn't just SAYING you are tired, it is KNOWING you gave it your all. When pain and exhaustion prevent you from playing, when you don't want to come off the field. When you are intensely focused on the ball and thinking about your next move, when you have sized up every opponent and know how to block their strengths from shining. You cannot fake personal effort, well all know if you are hurt or not by how much you left on the field. If you set your heart to it, your effort will be a way of knowing if you are trying your hardest. If you fall, dust off yourself and GET OFF THE GROUND, you won't get a single thing done if you just roll around dragging down people with you. When you leave the field KNOWING you have nothing left and KNOW that you left it all on the field and couldn't try harder, because on the field, soccer is the top priority.

You are committed to the team, including coaches, and the sport. Part of being committed is believing and NEVER GIVING UP on anyone, even you. If you feel you can't simply try, then leave; now.
Oh and P.S., If you are not part of the team, stop messing with it, go away, you have no right to do so, really just stop.
Never Stop Believing, Caitlin
All Rights and Images Belong To Rightful Owners