Merry Christmas Blog-Followers!

I hope you all had a happy, joyful, and merry Christmas this year and that Santa Clause got you everything you wished for! And for those that celebrated Hanukuah, Happy Hanukuah! I don't know much about the Jewish religion, but I do know that Hanukuah is a celebration of light, so I hope that your holiday was filled with light, laughter, and happiness! And for the new year, Happy New Year! May all your resolutions be reached and completed! The pictures below are what I got for Christmas this year, it wasn't a real horse, but I'll just keep on hoping and chasing my dreams!
Zenyetta (a bay thoroughbred filly)
Kong (a black percheron who is the "wheeler" of a six horse hitch team; Priefert)
Grullo Morgan Stallion (who I named Steppin' Stone)
And Brookside Pink Magnum (a roan Section B Welsh pony stallion)
I also recieved other Breyer related items including; two Breyer barns, the wooden corral, three blankets, a grooming kit, a stable cleaning kit, and lots of other horse related items!!!! Once again, Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!!!
So Long For Now,